Thursday 10 June 2010

U is for undecided

I need some help. I have a laptop which I use in the classroom and I want to choose a background a little more interesting than the standard windows screen.

I definitely don't want to use a photo of the school or the school logo, because we see those all of the time. I want something a little removed from everyday life in school.

What do you think? This one...

...of Tower Bridge in London ? It's relevant because we did a topic on cities earlier in the year, though they might be thinking that we've moved on from there.

This one...

...of the harbour in Pwllheli, North Wales? Quite a few of the children holiday in Wales; plus it's a busy picture and they would like the seagull on the yellow post!

Or, this one...

...because quite a few children have connections to farms or farming families (and besides, most children like animals)?

I'd appreciate knowing what you think.

If you would like to see more U posts on Alphabe-Thursday, click this link.


  1. I love the lamb heading into the day with the sun at his back. What a great shot.

  2. I love the harbor's bright and vibrant!

  3. My personal choice would be the second one. It's a gorgeous photo, and I'm partial to anything with water. But the lamb is adorable, and I think the kids would really enjoy it. Kathy

  4. I would pick the bridge, the students might be distracted by the lamb, I know I would be

  5. I love the harbour one best cos I know it!

    Wishing you a Happy Alphabe-Thursday!


    PS Mine this week is HERE. Hope you can join me!

  6. i like the seagull, lots to look at there :D

  7. Tower Bridge in London! Great idea!

  8. The bridge for me!


    PS. Thanks for your comment on my poem today.

  9. oh i just love the lamb in the warmth of the sun!

  10. I'd go with the harbor. I just got back from the Oregon coast and I'm ready to hop in my truck and drive right back!

  11. I'm voting for the harbour scene. How have I missed following you - off to do that right away!

  12. I love the lamb! I am all about rural wherever I can find it, though!

    Thanks for a fun query on our little stop here through Alphabe-Thurday's letter "U"!

    Let us know what you pick!

    I always enjoy my stop here. I'm glad you join us!


  13. What can I say, Mary had a little lamb, it followed her to school one day....ha! one teacher to another, I post photos of my class on my computers.

  14. I love the bridge but depending how old the children are the lamb might be best. Great u post.

  15. I favor the bridge, but all are super...very nice post...perhaps you will get your answer...Peace and blessings

  16. As busy as the port is, if you think that'll spark the most questions and ways to learn, I'd go with it. The bridge is good if you crop out the bit of boat coming into the frame on the left. The lamb is a little bland without more to the composition. The age of the kids matters most in your choice, don't you think? I'd go with my gut on this one especially if you're going to use it as a tool for learning.

  17. Definitely the sheep. I like the other two pictures too but the lamb also sparks a bit of giggle and giggle can be GREAT on a trying day in school!

  18. I like the bridge.....especially since it ties in with the cities......

  19. that is an awesome picture of the tower bridge!! I'd pick that one :)

