Tuesday, 16 October 2012

YSP - Big Bertie

In the summer holidays, a friend and I spent a day at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. I'd been wanting to visit for a while and I wasn't disappointed.

These few posts aim to give you a flavour of just some of what was on offer.

Come on, admit it! You'd love to climb up onto his back too!

Known as Big Bertie, this rocking horse was carved by Anthony Dew at the Rocking Horse Shop near York. Originally, it was on show at Tatton Park in Cheshire, commissioned as part of a performance called 'The Horse is a Noble Animal' in which artist Marcia Farquhar presented a monologue from the horse's back.

The detail around the head is beautiful.


  1. Not only would I love to slide my hands over that beautiful wood, I'd like to climb aboard and rock 'n' roll!

  2. There used to be a huge bronze horse at YSP. It's one of the things I really remember from my first visit. Bertie looks lovely.

  3. He is rather splendid, isn't he?)
