Tuesday 14 June 2011

Any excuse to snap a canal!

We were out in the car, meandering our way home from lunch, when Dad had to stop to make a phone call. The lay-by he pulled into was right next to the canal bridge.

"Back in a sec..."

I like canals :)


  1. I like canals too and have been on the Trent and Mersey a few times in a friend's narrow boat years ago, so it brought back memories.

  2. Another canal lover here, too! We've walked quite a bit of the Trent and Mersey and the Caldon around here and also the Shropshire Union. I find them fascinating, we've enjoyed watching the recent canal walks on TV:)

  3. I live below the canal that cuts our small little state in the US right in half. I cross the bridge every day, but our views aren't nearly so picturesque as those you've captured here. I need to find another way to cross that canal!

  4. A canal boat holiday is a dream of ours - I often go to the various sites and browse. I'll have to see what's available on this stretch. Thanks!

  5. Oh, that second picture is simply gorgeous, H!

  6. But where's the photo of the Bridge? Also the photo of you and your Dad drinking beer in the Bridge Inn garden?

  7. Taking a photo of the bridge would have necessitated going down to the towpath. It was only a short phone call. As regards the beer, Dad had already consumed a pint with his lunch and I can't stand the stuff unless it is well diluted with lemonade (I hope Alan doesn't read this!).

  8. You could have given the camera to Dad as the car was next to the bridge. You could have said you enjoy an occasional shandy, then Alan would have been more accepting perhaps. Excuses excuses....

  9. I would LOVE to go on a canal trip. So peaceful and relaxing!
