Tuesday 10 April 2012

Tod walk 8 : Earthmill to Coal Clough

These things seem to be popping up all over the place nowadays

Individual wind turbines, erected to supply environmentally friendly power to a specific building or business.

On a rather larger scale, the 24 Vestas WD34 wind turbines spread out along the moor by Long Causeway are Coal Clough, one of the oldest onshore wind farms to have been built in Britain (1992). Each tower is 98 feet high, plus has a blade length of  55 feet with which it generates up to 24,000 MW-h of electricity per year, enough to supply power to around 6,000 homes in neighbouring Burnley.

We first spotted this farm after our long ascent of Back o'th' Edge and thereafter, it repeatedly came into view as we twisted and turned along the route of our walk.

When I say 'larger scale' I am speaking relatively though. This wind farm is owned by Scottish Power and, in December 2009 they submitted an application to repower Coal Clough. The proposal is to replace the existing 24 turbines with just 8 new ones. However, what is sacrificed in numbers is made up for in size. Each of the 8 new turbines will have a total height of 361 feet; more than three times the total height of the current ones!

Opinion about wind turbines is split, but whatever your personal point of view, it would seem they are here to stay. 


  1. I often wonder how well they work. When you drive from LA right before Palm Springs you find the hills full of these wind turbines. They were put such a long me ago, I can't remember when, but many of them seem broken, or not working. They are in a very windy place so I wonder if they are indeed a viable source of energy for as ugly as they look.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. I liked that first shot Helen, I had absolutely no idea what it was until I read on!

  3. I've seen many of them in the west of the USA. It make sense to use wind power, although I've heard they can harm birds so thye should not be placed in migration paths.

  4. You sure got lots of interesting stories to tell from just this one lovely walk, H! Beautiful vistas, charming gates, adorable black sheep and controversial wind turbines. These turbines are actually the smallest I've seen.

  5. Just been catching up on your walk. It looks a really scenic route (turbines and all). I didn't get out at Easter what with all the decorating so it's nice to metaphorically stretch my legs!

  6. I actually like them. They're still uncommon enough that they don't mess up the scenery and they're far more attractive than utility lines and cell towers.
