Tuesday 8 November 2011

Fields of green

I think that one of the most beautiful stretches of our walk was this last section from the rim of the Manifold back to Ilam. We walked over luscious green fields, dotted with livestock; the sun was shining, the breeze was gentle, the views were open and there was little in the way of noise apart from sheep bleating, birds singing and a tractor on a distant hillside.

I'll leave you to enjoy :)

"You lookin' at me?"

"This is my best side!"

Just to be here is so refreshing!


  1. Lovely photos, particularly today when there is thick fog here.

  2. Beautiful and so different what I see now ! Desert and Palm trees, blue sea (not red, although I am at the red sea) Lots of English people in the Hotel, all enjoying the warm weather, palmtrees and sunshine !

  3. This is exactly what I see in my tourist mind when I think of the UK countryside....

    Everything is so green... beautiful.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. These photos look like a paradise: green grass, beautiful stone walls, and photogenic tree, rock and sheep.

  5. Oh if ever there was a need for listed status and planning protection laws it is for walls like that. Wonderful things.
