Thursday 20 January 2011

One whole year!

Today, my blog is one year old, which means that I have met my personal challenge of posting an entry a day for a year. I've actually clocked up 373 posts since my first tentative attempt.

And was it worth it? Absolutely! I've learned loads of things which I would not otherwise know; I've developed a much greater interest in taking photographs (pun intended); I've loved being able to write in a way which is not at all work related and I've thoroughly enjoyed sharing with and in the blogging community.

I've taken a little time to browse back.

On my earliest posts, I was very lucky to get even one comment. The first comment from someone whom I had not actually met, was a cause of great excitement! The post was the tale of my abseil down Derby Cathedral Tower, and the commenter was JennyFreckles from Saltaire Daily Photo. I can't believe how small my posted photos were back then!

Alphabe-Thursday was a great discovery because it introduced me to bloggers from other parts of the world. It is a fun meme, run by a committed host and I love being part of the community. Of those who read this post today, a significant percentage will have come over from Jenny's and I value every one of your visits.

I have seen a large number of extremely good blogs and it is very tempting to click Follow on every one, but I don't (much as I would love to) because I know that I just wouldn't keep up; I would rather be a faithful follower to a few, whilst remaining an occasional visitor to others.

I wanted to repost my favourite photo from the year, but I just can't decide! (Sometimes, I'm useless at decisions!). Instead, I think I'll restart where I set out this time last year...

...with The Dawn of a New Day.

I'm delighted to be able to link this post to Alphabe-Thursday over at Jenny Matlock's. I can't believe that 'O' actually fell on my blog's one year birthday!


  1. Wow - a whole year! I don't have my year until (I think) April. Or February. Anyway, congrats on one year!

    Beautiful photo.

  2. Happy blog birthday! It's a real achievement I think to keepo a blog going for all that time! Brill!

  3. Well Happy Blogversary to you! I celebrated one year on the 12th and like you I had an amazing sense of achievement, I never knew where this was goign to go last year but here I am loving it even more.
    Well done, gorgeous photo and hope to bump into you again soon :)


    Well done. You have certainly been a great inspiration to me since I discovered you just a few months ago. I reached my 2 month mark on the 18th, so have a LONG way to go to equal what you've achieved in a year! WOW!

    I think the picture you selected for your first ever post is BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so much for linking back to that post here, too, as I've not yet had a chance to visit your archives. Just keeping up with the blogs I follow (I've also had to curtail my enthusiasm & limit my selection to a FEW!) takes up a fair amount of time, but I absolutely LOVE visiting them all & wouldn't change it for anything!

    Here's to another year of wonderful posts, H!
    It's been such a treat getting to 'know' you!

  5. Congratulations on your 1st year of blogging - I was pleased to find you last year and have enjoyed reading all your posts. A blog post a day is a great achievement. I'm looking forward to sharing year two with you:)

  6. Ah wonderful! One whole year of blogging! Happy Birthday!


  7. It's been a great ride, H. I've learned so much here and finally have that yearning to visit your world. I never thought I'd consider visiting the UK. The daily wonders you've captured have my wanderlust kicked up to a whole new level.

    Congratulations, dear one. You've accomplished something quite amazing. 373 in 365. Wow.

  8. Congrats on one year! Glad you shared this beautiful photo:@)

  9. Congrats! Happy Birthday! I am so glad you blog.

  10. Happy blogsversary to you! It's a milestone indeed.

    Love your sunset color! It's just fantastic..

  11. Congratulations ! I have already 5 years behind me, unbelievable how quick time went by and how much I learned in this time !

  12. Congrats on your first year of blogging! Your photo is gorgeous.


    PS. I never took pictures at all until I became a blogger. Now, I take them frequently!

  13. Happy Blogoversary..

    I have been at it also just a little over a year and can't believe how important it (and all of my new blog friends) have become to me....

    Here's to another fun year!

  14. This was a very good post! Happy blogaversary! Everyday for a year that is awesome I am just trying everyday for a month.

  15. That is an EXCELLENT photo! My blog is a year old, also. I just kind of keep plugging away here, but meeting some wonderful and talented people like, well, like YOU!!

  16. Congrats on your bloggaversary.
    And as you said...I'm here
    because I found you @ Alphabe-Thursday :)

  17. Congrats on your 1st year blogaversary!

  18. Running behind- as usual! But yay for you! That is an amazing accomplishment to post that many! I do well if I can manage my one post a week!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    (I love your lovely photographs!)
    Thanks again for taking a peek in my corner of blog world :o)

  19. Just catching up! So, I was the first 'stranger' to comment - and we're strangers no more. I have continued to delight in dropping in and seeing the world (some of it familiar to me) through your eyes. Congratulations and here's to another fun year of blogging.

  20. Congratulations on your first year. This is my first visit to your blog and I am hooked... your newest follower. I have so enjoyed reading through your posts and visiting the UK.
    Have a good week-end, Annette


    I feel so fortunate that we met through this meme as well.

    There is something about the discipline of writing every day (on the blog or otherwise) that lends structure to thoughts and days.

    I'm glad you found blogging as a creative outlet!

    Thank you for linking. It's always fun to read what you share!


  22. Happy one year blog anniversary H! I'm glad we found each other. I love this photo..what a beautiful sky

  23. Thank you everyone for your very kind wishes and comments. I hope I've managed to reply personally to most of you through email or through your blogs. It's a pleasure being here :)

  24. What a beautiful photo!
    Happy blog-aversary!
    Such wonderful discoveries have been made through blogging! It's so much more fun than I ever imagined. I've been blogging about 2 years now.
    wishing you more bloggy goodness in the year ahead!
