Wednesday 28 September 2011

How can you tell it's autumn?

How can you tell it's autumn?

By the golden leaves drifting gently to the ground and rustling underfoot?

By the clusters of bright berries on the holly or the rose hips ripening to red?

By the storehouses full of fruits and grains; the hay bales in the barn?

By the chill in the early morning or the darkening of the sky after tea?

By Orion the Hunter striding across the night sky once again?


Or is it by what you discover lurking in your bath?

And in the darkest grottiest corners beneath the sink?

It must be getting cold outside!


  1. and they are promising that the spiders coming indoors will be more numerous and bigger this year...

    better get my harpoon gun out of the loft ;)

  2. One of our cats woke me up making such a racket and mewing - I had to put my glasses on to see what she was up to - she'd cornered the largest spider I've seen in ages at the top of the stairs - I did manage to catch it in a jar and put it outside but I really don't like them and dread this time of year for spiders:)

  3. Yikes ! you showed and told everything why I hate autumn !!

  4. Interesting that others have commented on the amount of spiders we are seeing this year...we noticed a huge increase here in the Northwoods...I don't mind the little guys too is other slithery things that totally make me weak. Give me a spider any day!

  5. ack... don't like spiders.
    Where I live ( Sonoran Desert) the spiders and scorpions are getting ready for winter and hibernation, so we are seeing less and less.
    Thank Goodness !

    cheers, parsnip

  6. Large flocks of Coots have arrived on our Lake: sure sign of Fall. EEK! YIKES!
    ACK! I hate coots!

  7. ICK!! I didn't need to see that! Nightmares!

    In Arizona, we can tell when the temp drops under 100 - BRRRR!

  8. They've come in over here too - pre-historic creatures that cast a shadow as they move across the bathroom floor.

  9. I have some of these too. I'll swear they're so big they must be as old as the house! (110)
