Sunday 25 September 2011

Purple heather

Early autumn - the time when the hills come alive with the flowering of the heather, like the spreading of a rich purple cloak.

Where shining purple heather stretches far across the moor,
and the lapwing's cry above me takes the place of traffic roar.
And peace comes drifting gently, there's no place I'd rather be
than this land of hills and valleys, from the Pennines to the sea.

 'A Symphony for Yorkshire'  Doreen Brigham


  1. Lovely photos of moorland heather and lovely poem too! When I was a child there were hundreds of lapwings, or pewits as we used to call them, in the fields around our village - not so many now:)

  2. I love a nice heather moorland! There are still a good number of lapwings close to home, we always see them when we drive to Buxton.

  3. Interestingly, our heather up here has been over for at least a month. Is yours still out? It could be that it is at a higher altitude.

  4. It's lovely, isn't it? Most of ours has faded now.

  5. Oh my goodness, but it's gorgeous - mythical!

  6. When I'm at work I dream about places like that!

    Thanks for posting. Need to get up into the Peak District soon.

  7. This post is full of beauty! :)

  8. So beautiful.
    Reminds me of when I lived in Southern California and all the Poppies would be in bloom. Hills and hills covered in yellow/orange poppies. As far as the eye could see.
    Isn't nature just grand !

    cheers, parsnip

  9. Cannot imagine what a field of heather must be like - but your beautiful images make me want to see it up close! Thank you for taking us there.

  10. Thanks for the heather! Great poetry too!
