Friday 29 April 2011

Scavenger Hunt - April

It's that time of the month again so here are my scavenged items.

Number 1: A church; specifically, St Oswald's church in Ashbourne, Derbyshire. 

Number 2: A cross photographed in the churchyard of St Michael and All Angels, Church Broughton, Derbyshire.

Number 3: Eggs. In this case, hen's eggs with one particularly nicely speckled one.

Number 4: A different kind of cross. The cross of St George, to celebrate St George's Day on 23rd April.

Number 5: Also on 23rd April, was Shakespeare's birthday. Also on 23rd April, was Shakespeare's death day! Trust him to do it in style! Below is the reconstruction of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. It isn't quite on the site of the original, but it's as close as was possible in heavily urbanised London.

Number 6: A sculpture. I've posted this one before. It is the sculpture of the angel in the gardens at Harlow Carr in Yorkshire.

Number 7 takes us over the Pennines and slightly further north to Cumbria and the fish and chip shop in Keswick; the Old Keswickian. The shop name is interesting; no comment on the fish. (Reflected in its windows, is the Moot Hall in Keswick's market place)

Number 8 is breakfast, but not mine. A crumbled Shredded Wheat mixed with a handful of seeds. "Come and get it!"

Number 9 is something yellow and we're back near Church Broughton for a field full of oilseed rape. There is lots of this stuff around at the moment. It is an ingredient in the manufacture of margarine and cooking oils. I quite like the strong, sweet, heady smell, but its murder on hayfever sufferers!

Number 10 is a set of keys. I decided to go for the obvious and photograph door keys, but not my own ones. These are being beautifully modelled by a friend.

Number 11 was taken really late in the month because we haven't had any rain. (This is not a complaint!) Eventually, I started looking for alternative interpretations. I didn't really think you'd be interested in a photo pf my shower head, so you have a picture of the shower of Kerria blossom which has been sprinkling my garden with yellow petals for the last few days.

And finally, number 12 shows the camera which I used to shoot all of the above.

To see other interpretations of the photos required to be scavenged this month, click here.


  1. A wonderfully eclectic collection. I am trying to work out the rules of the scavenger hunt from your submissions - without a great deal of success.

  2. I really enjoyed your Alan says...'wonderfully eclectic'!

  3. well done for finishing - I've been bad at it this month, I've still got 5 to take! I had better get on with it if I am to post on time!

  4. Great photos! We have had to be very creative this month haven't we? Thanks for pointing out the link on Kathy's blog I've edited my post to include it:)

  5. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog to see what the poor little American girl was going to do with the scavenger hunt list! ha! Love your egg photo, and such a clever take on the rain. The thing I like about this is the view we all have in our minds from looking at identical lists! Your breakfast photo is pretty clever, too. Nice job on all.

  6. Thanks for dropping by my blog.
    You've some great photos here, I especially like the breakfast.

  7. A photo scavenger hunt sounds like fun, H, but not easy! It's nice how you are able to fulfill as the requirements with such nice photos! I like the modern angel sculpture and the bird in the feeder. but the church is my favorite photo of all!

  8. Dear H, I love all your photos, they really are SPECTACULAR!!! Blessings, Kerrie

  9. Well done! I'm afraid I resorted to the shower head ;-)

  10. ooh the sculpture is wonderful but it's the bird breakfast I love

  11. Beautifully speckled egg!
    Always nice to see some pics of Derbyshire :-)

  12. Great set of pics - love that sculpture!

  13. Thanks for popping by and leaving me a message on my hunt photos.The angel sculpture is just stunning and I love the idea of the birds breakfast.
    Good luck for May.
    Lisa x

  14. Hi , thanks for your comment on my photos, I love your sculpture and the shop the most .
    Good luck with May :0)
    Jacquie x

  15. Hi thanks for your comment on my blog. I love the idea you had for the showers. Looking forward to your May photos. ~c~

  16. Great photos - particularly like the interpretation of April Shower!

    There isn't a cross near that particular church in Hull, there isn't a graveyard attached because it's in the city centre.

    I hate those yellow fields, all car windows must be sealed immediately if we drive past in case I get a hayfever attack!
