Saturday, 11 February 2012

Ambleside on a sunny Monday morning

I took so many photos during my three and a half days with Mark that it's taking me ages to share them all on here. 

This is Ambleside on a frosty Monday morning in January.

Mark groaned when I headed over the road to stand on the lower bridge and take this photo.

He said that everyone takes a photo up the beck!

Well, I wouldn't want to miss out, would I?!

Looking back along the top of the high street, there is a grand view of Loughrigg.


  1. Love seeing these photos. When we were there in 2006 I didn't have my digital camera yet...sigh.

  2. Well no matter what Mark said... I am so glad you took that photo...
    I have just added a name to the list of places I want to live in !

    cheers, parsnip

  3. It looks so much nicer there when it's not full of crowds of people. As to having too many photos, maybe you could lend me a few! I've run out and can't seem to find time to get anymore.

  4. Hehe, just tell Mark you didn't want us to miss out :) Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos with us.

  5. No, you wouldn't want to miss out on those photos - they are delightful:)

  6. I have friends who live in Windermere so know Ambleside quite well. Lovely big garden centre there.

  7. "Groan" = "Come on I want to go and climb up something"

    Love the pictures, especially the close-up one.

    Everyone takes that view, yes - but no two people will see the same thing :) you were right to want your own view of it

  8. What a lovely place, but I can feel the cold even through the screen !
