Saturday 4 February 2012

Pocket Eliminate

Having completed the Pocket Problem at the Langdale Boulders, Mark turned his attention to the distinctly more difficult Pocket Eliminate, which is basically the same problem but with a couple of key handholds eliminated, making it a V8, rather than a V6 grade.

These five short videos tell the story...

It was probably about 3pm when he started working at this.

You may have noticed it's going a little darker...

(So close!!!)

...and darker...

(He's here somewhere - honest!)
By now, we had both head torches propped up on nearby rocks, angled to illuminate (ish) the boulder.

For this final video, one head torch had moved to his head. (Listen out for the sheep.)

These five are just a selection from the many videos I took, but at this point I gave up trying.

The attempts continued for the best part of another hour.

I enjoyed listening to the owls :)

Sad to say, he didn't manage to complete the problem that afternoon, but he came soooooo close. 

He won't give up. I'm waiting for the text to say he's done it :)

What do you think - dedication or lunacy?


  1. You're definitely dedicated...

    The jury's out on Mark =D

  2. Wow, I didn't know you could climb this rock. I assumed it was a protected rock or something...
    Aren't you glad that the fall/jump was not to high !
    As for dedication or lunacy... maybe a bit of both or maybe they are the same word !
    I loved hearing the sheep and as I speak sheep... they were saying "Go home, we need to sleep" or something like that. There were a few words in their that I didn't quiet understand.
    Love the videos but I couldn't see the first one it was private.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. Love angryparsnip's translation of sheep speak! I'd say Mark is determined and you are incredibly supportive. No lunacy.

  4. Goodness me, certainly a lot of dedication from you both and patience, too! Hope he finally makes it:)

  5. I'm just dropping by to say thanks for your comment about my rosacea and thanks for reading my post! I had an unexpected response to it and so many kind comments! I just can't wait for my nose to heal now (and to get the next 5 treatments over with!). Hoepfully the end result will be worth it.

  6. Both....and loved:) I'll wait for the end results pictures, I'm sure he'll do it!
