Tuesday 13 July 2010

Boggle Hole

Boggle Hole is a natural inlet, just south of Robin Hoood's Bay. The ravine is occupied by a youth hostel which has been converted from a former water-powered corn mill; the water being provided by the appropriately named Mill Beck. I stayed in this youth hostel back in 1990 and remember it as a comfortable, clean and friendly place, with a pool table where my husband exacted his revenge for all of the games of darts I had won at the pub in Saltburn a week earlier. I have never been good at pool!

The only disadvantage of the youth hostel is the walk into Robin Hood's Bay for the nearest pub. At low tide it is easy; a gentle stroll along the beach. At high tide, however, a climb up to the clifftop is necessary in order to follow the route of the Cleveland Way.

Like Robin Hood's Bay, this place was frequented by smugglers keen to avoid the heavy taxes imposed on goods imported from mainland Europe; the steep sided ravine and narrow inlet providing perfect cover for the illegal activity. But it's name comes from local folklore; a boggle being the name for a hobgoblin; one of the mischievous little people who were believed to live in caves along the coastline. One wonders who was hiding from whom - smugglers from boggles or boggles from smugglers (and both from the heavy handed excise men!).

1 comment:

  1. Any more new taxes and there could be more activity as in the past along your coastline
