Saturday 21 May 2011

We will not be here for long...

Today, I went for a little drive to visit a local village (which happens to begin with F). I moseyed down the road, window wound down, enjoying the sunshine and the peaceful country lanes, eased over the narrow bridge on the bend and...


Oh well. Look on the bright side. With the road being closed, no-one is going to object to me dumping my car on the verge for half an hour.

Between me and where I wanted to be are a canal and a railway. It seems that Network Rail are busy having a bridge repaired - until July! BUT, pedestrian access is still open! Time to go investigate!

In fact, they've built the pedestrians a whole new bridge!

Complete with views of passing trains. This really took me back to when I was a kid and we would go stand on another metal pedestrian bridge not far from here, watching and waiting, eyes strained for the first glimpse of the yellow front of a DMU waaaaaay down the track. Part of the fun was in the vibration of the bridge as the train roared underneath, but the real bonus was if we could persuade the driver to sound his horn as he approached.

Years later, my own lads used to enjoy this same experience as part of a visit to stay with Grandma and Grandad!

A little rebuilding going on...

from the 'Considerate Construction Company'.

Erm... Anyone got a red pen?


  1. Well, at least you improvised and got some great closeups of the work and workmen in progress ;)

  2. I enjoyed that - you made a fun post out of the inconvenience. I remember when it was exciting to watch trains go by...
