Monday 7 March 2011

Derby - Corn Market

Now a busy shopping area, the width of this street is a clue to its former use, because this is the Corn Market; forerunner to the Derby Corn Exchange. Prior to the opening of the Corn Exchange building in 1862, this is where corn would be sold by local traders.

To attempt to answer Alan from News from Nowhere, my understanding is that the UK usage of corn covers a range of grains, as a generic title for cereal crops. My guess would be that the corn markets would also have sold animal feed as well as grains for breadmaking etc. Google isn't being overly helpful, but does that make sense?

Beyond the market place, Iron Gate runs steadily uphill towards Derby Cathedral; which reminds me - I must print out my registration form for the next abseil! :)


  1. We also think of corn in terms of maize. Corn on the cob, sweetcorn, popcorn.

    Wonderful photograph, H. Hope we'll get to watch you abseiling from the Cathedral??? Otherwise, we'll of course never believe you!

  2. What a great photo...

    You can feel the vibrancy of the city....

  3. You got it right H. Corn in English usage means any kind of cereal grain, e.g. wheat, barley, oats, maize etc.
    Interesting photo: foreground seems to be a maze of metal poles, looks like the market is held right in the street....

  4. Gorgeous shot - full of life. I want to get in there and walk up toward the cathedral.
    What's an abseil?

  5. Lovely photographs and an education as well : what more could I want.

  6. @ Alan - Chocolate. Lovely photographs, an education and chocolate!
