Saturday 19 March 2011

A much needed outing

Last Saturday, my dad and I made an unexpected trip to Cumbria to pick up an ailing Mark. He has suspected glandular fever. According to our family GP, he is presenting with text book symptoms.What that means for Mark is that he is more ill than he has ever really been before; not life threateningly ill (thank goodness), but certainly 'life' stoppingly ill, which, for an active chap, is proving a real strain! 

So, after a week in which his only trips out of the house have been to the doctor and the hospital (blood test), an outing today was a must! 

Foremark Reservoir is only 15 minutes down the road and we were lucky enough to find a front row car parking spot overlooking the water. Mark was able to wind down the windows and sit in comfort watching the yachts racing, while I hopped out to snap a few photos.

A brief stop at the local marina for a hot chocolate rounded off a much needed change of scenery.


  1. I'll bet that was a tonic - nothing like fresh air and sunshine.

  2. Reminds me of the problem the first photographers had, the exposure for the sky or water is different from the exposure for the land, so they took one of each separately and stuck them together. Nice spot for convalescing though.
    Hope the ailing Mark gets better soon...

  3. So sorry to hear Mark is unwell :( Glandular fever is no joke! I do hope he has a speedy recovery, being the fit young man he is! Meantime, I'm sure he's enjoying your attention and spoiling!

    As Pondside says, there's truly nothing to beat fresh air and sunshine (next to a Mother's loving attention, of course!)

    Super pictures, as always, H!!!

  4. Very, very pretty. I'm really missing the UK right now. I can't wait to get back to this.
